Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Not-So-Fun Day (of packing)

Two days until I leave for Ireland! I've been packing for most of the day, which became especially difficult when the Super Bowl came on, and I waited impatiently for the "Full House" Oikos Yogurt commercial. I had to miss out on the game, but checked in every 15 minutes to make sure I did not miss the commercial.

I made a couple lists. I'll probably expand upon them tomorrow night.

What I am excited for:
-experiencing the culture of another [and a bigger] college.
-getting more college radio experience - I'm hoping DCU's radio station lets me write and produce news features).
-Meeting my suitemates - I am going to be living with 4 other people that are not from my school.
-Kinder Egg Chocolates!! -The most delicious chocolate in Europe! They are banned from the US because there are build-able prizes inside that children have swallowed.
-Seeing Dublin Castle.
-Exploring the country!

What I am going to miss: 
-My internship! - I intern at WNPR, which has been a dream come true for me. Can't wait to come back this summer!
-Friends and family
-My "Despicable Me" minion stuffed plushes (Side note: I'm a kid at heart) - definitely not enough room to pack those.
-Quaker Oats Chewy Bars - do they have those in Dublin? If not, I guess 4 months of separation is a good thing.
-my "Full House" dvds.

I gotta get some sleep. I'm interviewing with a potential Dublin internship employer tomorrow, and then I'll be packing/making sure I have EVERYTHING ready to go!

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