Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow Day, S'No Way I'm Ready to Travel

Well...the big day is almost here. In 23 hours, I will be on the plane!

I woke up early to a fresh blanket of snow, and began to prepare for a Skype interview with a potential internship employer from Ireland. I logged onto Skype moments before 10:30, but the company had not accepted my contact request so I could not call them (I found out later they were experiencing Skype issues, so I will have to wait until I arrive in Ireland to talk to them).

The rest of the snow day was spent packing. Honestly, I have no idea how much my suitcase weighs, but my mom said "hey, you're either going to pay an overweight fee or an extra baggage fee, so it's perfectly okay," which was reassuring. I once spent a month in Costa Rica with only two backpacks (one large hiking backpack and one school backpack), and a sleeping bag liner, and I was perfectly fine in terms of clothing/other necessities. Of course, that was during summer, and now I am traveling in winter, so I had to pack sweaters and other bulkier clothing.

Despite today's chaos and packing stress, I am reassuring myself that tomorrow will be fine, as Minion Jerry (pictured below) will be accompanying me on the plane. Also, I bought "Despicable Me" band-aids. I'm fairly accident prone (as I'm a clumsy runner), so I expect they will come to good use!

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