Monday, March 10, 2014

Pesticide Prevention and Visa

I've been in Ireland for a little over a month, and now I'm all packed up...for pesticide prevention day.
As ambiguous of a photo that this is, it's my suitcase, fully packed. My closet is empty and my desk is mostly cleaned off. Some people are coming to spray our rooms tomorrow - this procedure is done once a semester. It's mostly just the bed, window, and desk being sprayed (I think), but I don't want any chemicals to get on my clothes since I did laundry today.

Earlier we took a bus down to the GNIB and got our visas! Woohoo!! We went straight from class, arrived at 4:45pm, and sat there waiting for our names to be called until about 9:00pm. The wait was tedious, so thank goodness I had my headphones with me, and was able to pass the time listening to music. I was SO HUNGRY and me and my friend Rickey quickly stopped in a tiny bakery, where we ate a wonderful "dinner" of snickers bars. We ate a real dinner around 9:15ish. Regardless, it's all over and now I can remain in the country until June. Now it's really time to start exploring Europe.

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