The WEIRDEST thing happened in City Centre. I was walking to the bus stop, and I was almost in sync with another woman. I saw from afar these two men in yellow or orange jackets ( I really don't remember the exact color), so I kept my head up high and did not make eye contact as I got closer to them. They all of a sudden said to both me and the lady, "can you come with me? I want to show you something."
They did NOT have Irish accents. I wasn't really sure where they were from, but I really want to know what on Earth they wanted to "show" me. Was it a van filled with candy? - because that's my suspicion.
I'm interning at a place called Mediateam, and they do a lot of publishing, marketing, advertising, web-work, multi-media stuff, etc. I'm doing video editing, web work, and other tasks for them and I really enjoy it! Everyone is so nice! Also, my internship coordinator reimbursed my for my long commute and lunches today. I was absolutely shocked, and so flattered he did that!
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